The Trusted Legal Support You Deserve For Your Premises Liability Case
Chicagoland property owners are required under Illinois law to use reasonable care in the maintenance of their premises for the safety and security of people who come onto their property. If you are hurt because of a dangerous or unsafe condition on someone else’s property, whether due to a slip-and-fall, assault, dog bite or animal attack, our team of Chicago premises liability attorneys at D&W Law Group can help you hold that property owner accountable and seek to get the care and compensation you most need and deserve.
Understanding What The Law Requires Of Property Owners
The Illinois Premises Liability Act requires property owners to use reasonable care in maintaining their premises for all persons lawfully on their property. The law no longer makes any distinction between invited guests and persons on the property to conduct business; the same standard applies to all. Depending upon the circumstances, this duty owed to the public may require property owners to make periodic inspections of their property and fix any known hazards, or warn the public that a danger exists.
The longer the time that a hazard exists without a warning or repair, the more likely it is that the owner did not exercise reasonable care. At D&W Law Group, our experienced Chicago personal injury attorneys use industry experts and gather evidence from eyewitnesses and security camera footage to aid in determining property owner liability when slip/trip-and-falls or other accidents occur.
Are Property Owners Liable For Negligent Security?
The duty to maintain a safe premises includes taking reasonable, common sense security measures. These may include something as simple as maintaining adequate lighting in parking garages and stairwells, or higher expense measures such as requiring keyed and gated entry or providing security personnel. The level of security which is reasonable for a given property may depend upon the nature of the premises, its location and the presence of criminal activity in the area. Property owners can be held liable for assaults, robberies or other harm which was committed in part due to negligent security.
Are Pet Owners Liable For Dog Bites Or Animal Attacks?
A dog bite or animal attack can be extremely serious; injuries can include facial scarring, broken bones, nerve damage, even death. Psychological injury is a common element to a vicious animal attack as well. Under Illinois law, an animal owner is strictly liable for bites or other injuries inflicted on a person. Strict liability means the injury victim does not have to prove that the owner was somehow negligent in keeping the dog, and it doesn’t matter if the owner had any reason to believe the animal might be vicious or attack a human. So long as the victim was lawfully on the premises where the attack occurred and did not provoke the attack, the owner can be held liable for the full extent of damages caused. We understand the serious nature of dog bite/attack injuries and work to get you the maximum in compensation that you will need.
Help Is Here – Contact Us Today
If you or a loved one has been harmed in a slip and fall, negligent security assault, or dog bite, contact our experienced and successful Chicago premises liability lawyers at D&W Law Group by calling 312-888-8888 or sending us a message online. Your consultation is free, and there is no fee unless we recover for you.