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Dunning, IL – Woman, Five Children Hurt in Two-Car Accident on Irving Park Rd

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2022 | General

Dunning, IL (July 3, 2022) – On Sunday evening, July 3, a mother and five children were wounded when a car ran a red light in the Dunning district of greater Chicagoland, causing a collision.

At around 6:00 p.m., a 61-year-old male driving a Honda northbound on Narragansett Avenue ran a red light at Irving Park Road, according to the police. At the same time, an Acura MDX driven by a 40-year-old woman, who allegedly had the right of way, collided with the Honda.

The woman was transported to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in good condition, while the five children in her SUV, including 2-year-old and 5-year-old girls, a 6-year-old boy, an 8-year-old boy, and a 12-year-old boy, were all transferred to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, also in good condition but with minor to moderate injuries, per officers at the crash site.

Officers issued a citation to the Honda’s driver, but no additional information about the investigation has been provided.

We are thinking about the accident victims and wish them a speedy recovery.

Serious Injuries in Automobile Crashes in the Chicago Area

Each year, red-light runners are responsible for hundreds of fatalities and tens of thousands of injuries. In 2020, over 930 individuals were killed in collisions caused by running red lights. The majority of those killed by red-light runners were pedestrians, cyclists, and individuals in other cars. In addition, an estimated 115,740 persons were wounded in red-light running accidents in 2020.

The motorist has violated the law if he or she reaches a junction after the traffic light has gone red. Drivers who are mistakenly present at a junction when the light turns red (for example, while waiting to turn left) are not red-light runners.

In areas where a right turn on a red light is authorized, cars that fail to come to a full stop before turning may be judged to have run a red light. Additionally, those who turn right on red at restricted junctions are in violation.

In and around Cook County, these and other sorts of traffic accidents are all too common, with the great majority happening at high-traffic intersections and major thoroughfares or interstates. According to the most recent state data, more than a quarter of all Illinois car accidents occur in the Chicago metropolitan region.

As a consequence, those wounded in vehicle accidents caused by someone else’s negligence must pay for their own medical care. Those afflicted with the condition must also contend with the emotional anguish caused by rising medical expenses, horrific physical injuries, and a variety of financial difficulties.

You may be able to initiate legal action if one or more of these conditions are met. If you were injured or suffered other damages in an automobile accident that was not your fault, you should immediately contact a Chicago car accident attorney.

In Illinois, if you are injured in an automobile accident that might have been avoided due to the carelessness or indifference of another driver, you have the legal right to get full and fair compensation for your injuries. When a victim of an accident in Illinois receives legal counsel as quickly as possible after the occurrence, their prospects of collecting large financial recompense from negligent drivers or insurance companies increase considerably.

Our legal team at D&W Law Group has full awareness of the complexities of the legal system in our state, which is required to file a legitimate accident claim. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers may be reached at 312-888-8888 to organize a free consultation during which we will analyze the particulars of your accident claim as well as your individual needs and wants.

Simply calling our Chicago personal injury lawyers can enable you to schedule a free, no-obligation examination of your case. In order to guarantee that justice is dispensed as swiftly as is humanly possible, we will help you in compiling the facts of your case and explore all of the legal options open to you in-depth. During this difficult time, we will do all possible to ensure that your legal rights and those of your family are protected.

Note: Our team of writers uses secondary sources including news reports, police accident reports, social media posts, and sometimes, eyewitness accounts to compose these posts. Our firm has not independently verified any of the facts surrounding this particular accident, therefore, if you locate any information that is not correct, please let us know right away. We will correct the post to reflect the most accurate information available. We will remove a post upon request.

Disclaimer: This is not a solicitation for business.  The information provided in this post is not intended to be legal advice or medical advice. If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, always seek medical assistance as soon as possible. The photo used in this post was not taken at the described accident scene.

