Chicago, IL (April 11, 2023) – On Tuesday evening, April 11, Chicago Police Department officers reported that one person sustained significant injuries in a multi-vehicle collision in the Chicago area.
At around 8:15 p.m., a serious accident occurred on I-94/Dan Ryan eastbound near the Marquette Road exit. At least one victim was transferred to the hospital by Chicago’s emergency services and local paramedics, although the extent of their injuries is unclear.
As a consequence of the multi-car crash, traffic in the area was delayed by two hours. The Chicago PD had cleared the site by the later evening, though they say their investigation is ongoing at this time.
Our thoughts are extended to the injured victims and their families.
Traffic Accidents in Chicagoland
Since 2019, there has been a rise in the number of people killed in motor vehicle collisions in the state of Illinois, which saw 1,010 people lose their lives in 930 accidents alone. In those accidents, 315 of the people who were killed were wearing their seatbelts, while most of the other victims weren’t wearing their seatbelts or were behind the wheel unlicensed.
What’s more, authorities say that 2021 had the highest number of deaths, with close to 1,335 people losing their lives in 1,210 separate accidents. Tragically, around 310 of the drivers involved in those collisions were using their seatbelts, while the other 330 or so weren’t using theirs correctly. Adding insult to injury, close to 280 fatal accidents involved drivers without valid licenses.
It’s clear that serious, often deadly, car accidents continue to be a problem in our state. But if you or a family member were injured in one of these collisions, you might be able to submit a claim. If you were injured in a Chicago car accident that was not your responsibility, you should consult an attorney immediately.
You may file a lawsuit in Illinois against the negligent driver who caused your injuries. Accident victims in Illinois should therefore contact an attorney as soon as possible following a collision. Hiring a qualified attorney increases your chances of obtaining justice and equitable, complete compensation.
Due to our familiarity with the state and local legal system, our team at D&W Law Group can help you construct a compelling case for monetary compensation if you have been injured in an accident. Contact our Chicago personal injury attorneys as soon as possible. Dial 312-888-8888 for more information or to schedule a free consultation to discuss your accident claim.
To speak with a seasoned personal injury attorney, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Chicago office. We will investigate all of your legal options, assist you in organizing the facts and details of your case, and work swiftly to secure your justice. As you focus on your recovery during this trying time, we pledge to do everything possible to protect your legal rights and those of your loved ones.
Note: Our team of writers uses secondary sources, including news reports, police accident reports, social media posts, and sometimes eyewitness accounts, to compose these posts. Our firm has not independently verified any of the facts surrounding this particular accident, therefore, if you locate any information that is not correct, please let us know right away. We will correct the post to reflect the most accurate information available. We will remove a post upon request.
Disclaimer: This is not a solicitation for business. The information provided in this post is not intended to be legal advice or medical advice. If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, always seek medical assistance as soon as possible. The photo used in this post was not taken at the described accident scene.